
Blue Ridge Rx offers the focused technology solutions you need to increase efficiency, lower your drug costs, and keep residents safe.

We don’t offer a bunch of meaningless bells and whistles that sound more useful than they really are.

We work hard to create and support technology that our customers say make a real difference.


Blue Ridge Pharmacy offers seamless integrations with facility EHR platforms or the choice of a freestanding eMAR solution, but we go beyond setting up the initial connection. Dedicated electronic medical records experts are there with you from initial implementation, to Go Live day, and throughout your relationship with us to keep things running smooth.

eMAR can produce a 50% – 75% reduction in staff labor hours related to month-end record keeping and charting procedures.

Two people talking

We offer barcode scanning technology that helps ensure the right dose for the right resident every time.

Cost Reports

We customize reports based on your feedback so that you have real-time, actionable information on your pharmacy costs.

Examples of reports you might choose include:

  • Weekly Med A cost reports that show how each resident’s drug costs are tracking
  • Daily alerts on medications that exceed pre-set cost limits
  • Pharmacists will offer formulary interchanges so that the medication can be changed with prescriber approval
  • Access to our IV Tracker showing all IVs currently running in your facility, along with the daily cost of each therapy and start/stop dates
  • End of month Executive Summaries that give PPD information, spend by drug type and disease state, and details on individual resident charges

hand holding papers with graphs and magnifying glass

Tell us what tools you
need to provide
the best, most cost effective care.
Contact us Today.

Pre-Admission Screening

Many pharmacies, us included, give you access to an online drug cost calculator to help with pre-admission screening, but we believe that’s not enough. We go the extra step of having a pharmacist personally review the medication list and offer detailed information on potential therapeutic interchanges, initial drug therapy recommendations, and other options to keep costs under control and residents safe and healthy.

Find out why we believe in going beyond one-size-fits-all healthcare solutions.

People meeting around table

person using automated dispensing system

24/7 Auto Dispensing

Our first-dose automated dispensing systems ensure you have the medication on hand to deal with any situation. The machine at your facility interfaces with our pharmacy system for a fully integrated backup solution.

Security, safety, and timeliness are paramount to you and our technology makes it happen.

We offer on-site and virtual training along with 24/7 support so you can always access the medications you need.

Contact us and we’ll begin planning a solution that works for you.

Quality Assurance

We’ve always invested in technology that helps reach our goal of personalized care for each client. That’s why we maintain several automated packaging and dispensing solutions that give you what you need, when you need it, correctly every time.

Our technologies have proven accuracy rates of more than 99.9%.

Pharmacy Dispensing System

Talk to us about how our solutions keep you in compliance and your residents safe.

Need to know more?

We’d be happy to talk to you about our technology and how it’s helped our clients.